HIMYM Finale: How I Met Your Stepmother? Ugh!
It's Tuesday. Time for a tantrum!
Can I be the one millionth person to say that the How I Met Your Mother finale sucked?
Because it did. I just feel lucky I didn’t actually watch this show until last
year (Netflix marathon!) because if I’d waited 9 years for that… I’d probably
be pretty irate.
Over the seasons there were some awesome episodes and
some that weren’t so great. A couple of seasons drug on and on but overall HIMYM had become one of my favorite
shows. Admittedly, this entire past season wasn’t one of the best. Some
episodes were funny but overall I didn’t like the flow. Having the season focus
around Barney and Robin’s wedding (Team Bobin btw) made the finale that much
worse. Additionally, Ted seemed to be missing from most of the storylines this
season and spent pretty much all of his screen time pining away after Robin.
Again. Marshall and Lily’s stories were alright but nothing new.
The best parts where when we actually saw the mother. She
was fabulous.
I felt like our characters had come so far: Barney and Robin
worked out their issues, realized they were
meant to be together and had an awesome wedding. Ted FINALLY let go of Robin
(there was even that stupid scene on the beach where she floated away like his
red balloon) for which almost all fans were glad, I’d bet.
The ending of the show made the rest of it feel so
pointless. The journeys all of the characters had gone through “came full
circle” but in a way that felt redundant and annoying. After 20 years and being married to an awesome lady,
Ted is still obsessing about Robin? It’s not romantic, it’s pathetic.
Why even have episodes dedicated to finally moving on if
he’s not really? And the way his kids were acting… I mean, I get that their mom
has been dead for 6 years, but Ted just spent forever telling them about how
much he always wanted Aunt Robin and they seem totally cool with it. It made
his relationship with the mother seem like it was just a fling, a placeholder
until Robin came back. How awful. If that were my dad, I’d be pretty pissed
after that story.
Instead, why not make more of the last season about Ted’s
future with Tracy (not just in a few flashbacks) and less about Barney and
Robin? I do love Barney and Robin together and I was rooting for them both to
finally settle down and make their relationship work. And they did and everything was good…until it wasn’t and they were
completely over each other. I know the finale spanned years, but it was hard to
come to terms with a year’s worth of change in 40 minutes. They picked the
wrong approach to this. The worst part isn’t that Barney and Robin didn’t end
up together (which they totally should have!!!!) or that the mother died (which
was sooooo lame) but the WAY it all happened. There was not enough time for me
to be over Barney and Robin and to get over the mother’s death to support the
Some are criticizing fans who are outraged when a lot of
people speculated that the mother would die and what not. My question is, how
can you NOT be irritated that they changed the ENTIRE show in one long episode?
I’m not ashamed to admit my fangirl status. I get into shows for the
relationships and ripping not one but TWO away from me is not bound to inspire
appreciation for nine great years of television. I haven’t forgotten all of the
episodes I love but it’s going to take some time to get over this.
The finale wasn’t all bad. There were a few moments I
loved: the epic infinity slap, Barney’s moment with his baby (so sweet I teared
up a little), pretty much all scenes with the mother (aside from her death bed
scene because ugh!). But all in all, I
wish I could forget it ever happened.
Here’s a related article I like: http://www.today.com/entertainment/how-i-met-your-mother-slaps-its-fans-series-finale-2D79463458
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