Welcome to Our McWorld

Come on vámonos, everybody let’s go. Come on let’s get to it; I know that we can do it. What are we doing? Writing blogs! Why are we doing it? To show everybody how fantastic and awesome we are, and because we like to write things, and because we’ve already told all of this crap to the people we know!

That got questionable at the end.

Anyway, welcome to the McWorld of Courtney and Mallory. In our new blog, we will share with you our stories, adventures, regrets, ambitions, and things that make us SO MAD! Not to mention anything and everything we find interesting. This blog is also an outlet for us to talk about our other endeavors, such as filming videos.

Since 2008, we have been on a video kick, recording ourselves doing an assortment of crazy random things. You can check out most of those things on YouTube. (www.youtube.com/mctravelers and www.youtube.com/hillaryexterminator)

A little about us:

Courtney is a 24 year old loan officer who loves bacon and baseball.

Mallory is a 25 year old secretary who enjoys planning events and sleeping late.

Don’t worry; you’ll learn more by reading the blogs. Here’s a rundown of what to expect:

-Monday Madness: Discussing anything and everything awesome 
-Tuesday Tantrums: We talk about things in life that have made or still do make us mad!
-Wednesday Woes/Writings: Where we solemnly tell of our regrets and (since we don’t have THAT many regrets) where we also write short stories and talk about books we’ve read
-Throw-down Thursday: We debate tough issues (like celebrity couples and bacon VS chocolate) 
-Friday Fantasies: We fantasize about our future endeavors
-Saturday Stuff: We’ll tell you about all the crazy stuff we’ve already done
-Sunday Fun Day: Where we just blog about whatever the heck we want to

There may be some days where things don’t quite follow the theme, but you need to be prepared for anything because life is unpredictable like that.

Maybe one day our adventures will be discovered by someone who wants to pay us to do what we do. But until then, we will keep on blogging and posting our videos to YouTube. 

We aren't looking for fame and fortune, just our own television show and enough money to do whatever we want in life :)


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